

Be sure to check out our FAQs below, as well as our YouTube channel for instructional videos and more.

It's actually very easy. The fittings on our bidet will match the waterline and RV toilet. We provide very detailed instructions with each unit.

Yes; there are two dials on the unit. One controls the water pressure and the other is the self-cleaning controller. It takes mere seconds to clean.

We developed two RV Bidets. Our original RV bidet fits nearly all RV toilets (not all). We realized that there are many Thetford V, VI and Seaflo RV toilets and our original bidet would not fit that toilet. So we now have two bidets. Be sure and confirm your toilet model in the listing. Or reach out to us and send a photo of your rv toilet.

This is our custom RV bidet made exclusively for the Thetford V, VI and Seaflo RV toilets. It only works on these toilets. If you have a different toilet, check out our original RV bidet. Link for Thetford V, VI & Seaflo RV Bidet

Yes; the Thetford hump RV toilet works great with our original RV Bidet. By the way its called the Thetford II toilet.

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